One Take with John Duffin

I met John when I was the Strategic and Media director at Siboney/FCB. He was one of the star salespeople for Univision. He lived in Philly but would come to New York often and his meetings would be the best meetings ever. No pushiness, 100% friendly, 100% informative, 100% engaging. Truly the kind of media partner everyone would want.

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One Take with Shlomi Ron

Chief Storytelling Officer. In a world of staid titles like CEO, CMO, CFO or meaningless ones like Chief Happiness Officer, Chief Storytelling Officer jumped at me from the screen and I thought “Here’s someone who understands how people think” because we think in stories.

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One Take with Rafael Salas

I’ve known Rafael since he was 18 and was cutting ads from newspapers in our media department in Argentina. His love of the craft, hard work and deep thinking soon propelled him to Director of Planning of Pragma/FCB in Buenos Aires, one of our shining agencies.

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One Take with Lizette Du Pond

You can never tell if Lizette is stressed or not. A young widow with three children, she succeeded in the international arena that just multiplies stress. Yet, every time you see her she’s happy, smiling, joyful.

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One Take with Moira Tamayo

I’ve known Moira for decades. Her husband was a friend and a mentor and I’m godfather to one of their sons. However, don’t think for a moment that Moira could ever be defined as someone’s “wife”… she is a powerful, successful, “made” businessperson in her own right. Keep reading.

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