The inventor of the home office. Really.
In 1989 Jeff Zbar invented the home office. No, for real. He even published books about it and created the title Chief Home Officer
Decisive moment: In 1988 gave notice to his corporate overlords and in 1989 took the plunge to become a full-time journalist freelancer. In the meantime, Jeff has written for every single respectable marketing magazine as well as tons of local non-marketing ones.
A change? Obviously for a writer: AI and ChatGPT
Coping with that change? First off, in the freelance world, it’s mainly about the relationships that have known you and your voice for years. ChatGPT can’t even begin to replicate it. Also, focused more on corporate writings.
What would he say to a CEO? Older workers not only bring in a wealth of knowledge and corporate memories, they will also train youngers ones. Just learn how to interview them correctly, hire for passion, engagement and character.
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