So... what was your decisive moment?

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

A month ago, we embarked on our podcast “One Take: Because Life has no Rehearsals”.

We began the podcast with one idea in mind, but the podcast quickly took a life of its own by showing the adventurous mindset and resilience of the 55+ crowd.

With 14 episodes behind us, I thought it would be a good time to review one of the two central questions of the podcast: what happened? How did you get here? What was that one decisive moment that set you on your way?

In most cases, that decisive moment came from abandoning a cushy job and diving head in into a new challenge.

Sometimes the person –Eliane, Irving, Ian—left a job… sometimes the job left the person. But that moment almost always boiled down to a seismic transition.

Along the way, we had poetic ones –Deborah just fell in love with her industry and decided never to leave—sometimes harrowing moments –Shai stepped into an uncharted minefield with his platoon—and some were frankly incredible –Velia’s change in career was the result of a postcard falling out of a magazine.

But in every single case, someone took a giant leap and never looked back.

Watch and follow the podcast at and, naturally, if you’d like to participate or know someone who just belongs here, drop us a line.

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