Mentorship: a key to remaining relevant after 50? (Part 14 of 17)

Ideal Structure of a mentorship program (Part 2 of 2):

👉 Learning and Development

  • Workshops and Seminars: Both mentors and mentees attend at least two professional development workshops or seminars relevant to the advertising industry during the mentorship period.
  • Knowledge Sharing Sessions: Monthly knowledge sharing sessions where mentor-mentee pairs present insights from their departments, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
  • Mentees access to mentors: a key aspect is that the mentee should have informal access to the mentor, to ask questions, ask for spot advice, but the mentee should not abuse this access.

👉 Feedback and Evaluation

  • Mid-Program Check-In: A formal meeting halfway through the program to evaluate progress towards goals, address any issues, and make necessary adjustments.
  • Program End Review: At the end of the mentorship period, mentors and mentees submit a report on achievements, challenges, and learnings. This is followed by a feedback session to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program and identify areas for improvement.

👉 Recognition and Reward

  • Certificate of Completion: Award certificates to both mentors and mentees upon successful completion of the program.
  • Awards Ceremony: Host an annual awards ceremony to recognize outstanding mentorship pairs based on innovative project collaboration, exceptional growth, and contributions to the agency’s culture. Being in the agency business, this award ceremony can be pizza in the conference room

Your Gray Matters welcomes the opportunity to create a custom mentorship program for your organization or for you to implement in your organization. Write us at or grab some time at - Thanks