If you are over 55… learn to create chatbots!

AI – Green Slip Pink Slip – What’s your color?

If you are 55+ we have found the perfect job for you! It pays well, can be done remotely and is absolutely on the upswing.

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Henley Wing Chiu analyzed 5M freelancing jobs to see what jobs are being replaced by AI.

Chiu analyzed cold, hard data: actual freelancing jobs from Upwork starting from November 1, 2022 (a month before ChatGPT was released) to February 14, 2024 to see what jobs have been negatively impacted the most.

Chiu took the 12 most popular job categories in Upwork, and analyzed the 84-day moving average in the # of jobs for that category(approximately 3 months). Chiu says: “To my pleasant surprise, most of the job categories actually had an increase in the number of jobs since ChatGPT was released, with the exception of 3 categories that had large declines in jobs.”

Went down.

The 3 categories with the largest declines were writing, translation and customer service jobs. The # of writing jobs declined 33%, translation jobs declined 19%, and customer service jobs declined 16%.

Went up.

Since ChatGPT was released, video editing/production jobs are up 39%, graphic design jobs are up 8%, and web design jobs are up 10%. Software development jobs are also up with backend development jobs up 6% and frontend/web development jobs up 4%.

What jobs are actually increasing in demand because of AI?

Jobs like generating AI content, developing AI agents, integrating OpenAI/ChatGPT APIs, and developing AI apps are becoming the rage. But by far the #1 use case? Chatbots, with the # of jobs related to developing chatbots exploding 2000% since the release of ChatGPT and the OpenAI API. If there is a killer use case for AI today, it’s in developing chatbots.


Chiu’s Conclusions

  • We’ve seen a very noticeable decrease in writing, customer service and translation jobs in Upwork since the release of ChatGPT.
  • Web design, graphics design, software development and video production jobs have been the most resilient and have not see any drop in demand (and even an increase)
  • Whether that’s because AI tools aren’t good enough yet for those use cases, or the general public still haven’t learned how to use them effectively remains to be seen.
  • The vast majority of companies are currently not focusing on training or fine-tuning their own LLMs, based on the lack of any increase in data annotation or machine learning jobs
  • The most popular use case, by far for AI right now is in developing chatbots

Your Gray Matters' Conclusions

  • Learning how to develop chatbots is the ideal job for people over 55.
  • There are plenty of instructions around the web
  • You can work after work, work remote or develop this as a side gig
  • There are plenty of free-lance platforms where you can advertise your services
  • And no one is going to ask your age

Go for it!