Originally published 2/03/2020

McClatchy & The Miami Herald to older workers: Come on people, just die off!


In their latest article in Business Monday, the Miami Herald and McClatchy editorial boards totally forgot that age discrimination is both illegal and immoral. With phrases like:

  • These diehards have varying motivations for extending their careers.
  • They may feel they still have much to offer.
  • You may also need to work with senior-level people to alter their positions

Columnist James Cassel in a "Special to the Miami Herald" basically brushes aside any idea that older workers actually contribute to creating and maintaining value for the companies they work for.

Not once did the Miami Herald or McClatchy mention that older workers might want to remain because they are physically and psychologically active, engaged, creating value.

Along the way, they seem to have forgotten that most of their audience is NOT the younger workers they so idolize, but the older ones that they want to push out.

I urge you to write both, to the Miami Herald and to McClatchy to voice your disagreement with their position that older workers are just obstacles.

Marcelo to McClatchy & Miami Herald: No. We're not going to die off! We will make our message simple and our voice heard


Age discrimination is as illegal and corrosive as all other discriminations. A person doesn't have to justify their age pretty much the way we don't have to justify our gender, religion, sexual orientation or skin color. All mindless discrimination is bad. Age happens to be illegal too. Fight back, make your voice heard!